How to support your partner in labour

How to support your partner in labour

When we tell you, “we know birth”- we really mean it. We’ve seen it all. As pregnancy support specialists, we have seen birth happen in every way possible. It’s intense, it’s messy, it’s powerful, and it’s always incredible....

Preparing to Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is natural, but that doesn’t mean that it will come naturally to everyone. For some parent/baby pairs, breastfeeding can be the single biggest challenge of the newborn period. Thankfully, most are able to get the hang of breastfeeding pretty quickly. We...

Placenta Encapsulation: What, how, and why

If you are both pregnant, and on the internet, you’ve probably at least heard of placenta encapsulation. If you’re like a lot of people, your reaction was likely one of two things: either “Placenta… what?” or, “Gross!”. A lot of Nanaimo families contact us to learn...