Deciding how you’ll feed your baby is one of the biggest choices you’ll make as a new parent. Many parents choose to feed their baby breastmilk because they’ve learned about the numerous health benefits of human milk, because they desire the closeness and connection of a breastfeeding relationship, or simply because they feel it’s the best choice for their family.
These same families are often suprised by just how challenging breastfeeding can be! When you’re sleep deprived, recovering from birth, and full of questions, the logistics of latch, positioning, and efficient milk removal can feel overwhelming and discouraging. Every breastfeeding family can benefit from a lactation specialist.

You’re planning to breastfeed
The best time to start preparing for breastfeeding is while you’re still pregnant! A private, customized breastfeeding preparation class is a great way to get breastfeeding off to the best start possible.
You had a difficult delivery
Sometimes, a difficult birth or a caesarean can have an impact on your breastfeeding relationship. We can help you overcome issues like nursing after surgery, delayed milk production, a preterm baby, or a baby in the NICU.
You’re ready to start solids or wean
Starting solids is fun, but it can bring a lot of questions! If you’re ready to change your breastfeeding relationship, we can help you figure it out.
Just because pain is common when you’re learning to breastfeed, doesn’t mean it’s normal! If your nipples are cracked, bleeding, or damaged, or if you’re beginning to dread feeding, you need a breastfeeding specialist.
Your baby won’t latch
Sometimes your baby won’t nurse well, even if you’re doing everything right. A professional can help you make a few adjustments to improve feeding for everyone.
You’ve got blocked ducts
Blocked ducts are common throughout a breastfeeding journey. Let us help you resolve them and teach you how to avoid letting them develop into mastitis.
You are worried about your milk supply
If you’ve got concerns about your supply, we can help you figure out what might be happening, and provide you with tips or strategies to increase your milk supply.
You’re planning to pump
Which pump do you need? How and when do you pump, and for how long? How do you know if you’ve got the right size flanges? We can walk you through Pumping 101!
You have questions
Breastfeeding is a big topic, and it can be hard to know where to look for answers. Having a professional just a phone call or text message away can take the pressure off and let you get back to enjoying your baby.
Harbour City Doulas is passionate about providing unbiased, evidence-based, and judgement-free support to our clients. We know that breastfeeding and infant feeding decisions can be difficult, emotional, and may be met with judgement from your friends, family, or peers. We promise to make you feel supported, understood, and heard. We believe that the best infant feeding plans make sure that everyone’s needs are met- not just the baby’s.
If your feeding plan involves pumping, bottles, or formula, Harbour City Doulas is here to provide the same unparalleled support and guidance. You’re the expert in your baby- and we trust you.

We want to help you achieve your breastfeeding goals! Our visits take place in the comfort of your home, because we know that getting a postpartum family to an appointment is no easy task. There’s no need to tidy up, get dressed, or even get out of bed- let us come to you and help you feel confident and capable to feed your baby!
Please use the form below to get started. After you complete this form, you’ll receive a followup email with instructions to complete your booking. See you soon!
If you’re struggling, if you have questions, or if breastfeeding just isn’t going how you’d hoped, get in touch with us today. Our visits are casual, low-pressure opportunities for you to vent your frustrations, alleviate your stress, and make a plan to help you achieve your goals.
Breastfeeding counselling sessions take place in the comfort of your home, because we know that getting a postpartum family to an appointment is no easy task. There’s no need to tidy up, get dressed, or even get out of bed- let us come to you and help you feel confident and capable to feed your baby!