5 Things You Should Never Apologize For

5 Things You Should Never Apologize For

It’s truly incredible that a person can be in the process of pushing a baby out and yet still be aware enough to apologize to their support team. As Canadians, we love to apologize, but you get a free pass when you’re having a baby. Here are the top five...

Doulas are like… what?

I was on my way to see a client the other day and as I was driving down the wet (and slippery!) highway, I was thinking about the quote from Pam England. You know the one: I love this quote because it’s so true (aside from it being pretty one-dimensional and...

Top 5 Apps For Pregnancy and New Parenthood

When I had my first baby way back in 2006, smart phones weren’t really a “thing” yet. I did most of my research on my desktop PC and when labour finally began, we were timing my contractions with a stopwatch and a pad of paper! I kept track of my...