We are so excited that you’re here!
When you choose Harbour City Doulas for your pregnancy, birth, or postpartum support, you’ll have a whole team of professionals in your corner. Whether you’re looking for childbirth education classes, birth doula support, placenta encapsulation, breastfeeding help, postpartum guidance, or anything in between, you’ve come to the right place. Harbour City Doulas is Nanaimo’s only full-service support group. We’ve supported hundreds of families through their transition to parenthood, and we’d love to help you have an incredible birth!
Having a baby is likely one of the biggest changes of your life, and we know that comes with a ton of uncertainty, vulnerability, maybe some anxiety, and a few (okay, probably a ton!) of questions. Our goal is to help you meet your birth and parenting goals- whatever they may be. You’re already the expert in you and your baby. Our job is to help you discover your own unique pathway through this journey.
Our promise to you is simple: No judgement, no shame, and no guilt. We’re going to help you feel amazing. No matter what your journey looks like- we support that.


The first step is to get in touch with us to book your FREE consultation. During this 30 minute chat, we’d love to hear about your family, your pregnancy, and your goals for your birth and postpartum time. We’ll discuss your thoughts about labour and birth, any fears you may have, and how doula support can be customized to reflect your unique needs. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about doula support, our services and teams, and how Harbour City Doulas can help you have a confident, empowered birth.
Consultations happen over the phone, or via Zoom. There’s no commitment- only opportunity.

During our visit, we’ll help you figure out which support services are right for you- or, we’ll build a customized support package together! We’ll explain how booking, scheduling, and payments work, and we’ll send you an email to take care of all of your registration details online. If you decide to book with us, we’ll ask for a $150 retainer to hold a space for you on our calendar. The balance of your fee is payable on an interest-free payment plan due by 37 weeks. And yes, we take cash, cheque, and e-transfer!

Once that’s all taken care of, you are ready to start taking advantage of the incredible support, education, and guidance that you’ll only get from Harbour City Doulas. Your doulas will contact you to check in every so often, but you can always get in touch if you have any questions, concerns, or if you just want to chat!
Our unique support model means that you’ll be matched with your very own team of TWO doulas that will work with you throughout your entire pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We know you need to be able to count on your doula, so you’ll never need to worry about getting a “back up” doula if one of your doulas is at another birth. During pregnancy, you’ll communicate with both of your doulas and meet with both of them. You’ll get to know them- and they’ll know you.Your doula team is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals- and they’re available to you 24/7. Looking for the best prenatal yoga class? Wondering if you can eat something? Want someone to talk to about the middle-of-the-night birth fears? Your doulas have got your back. We believe that you’re at your best when you feel completely supported in the ways that make sense to YOU. That’s why we spend so much time getting to know you during your pregnancy! The more we chat now, the better we can support you when your big day comes.
Not sure if a team of doulas is right for you? We can set you up with a solo doula, too! Just let us know how we can help make this the best experience possible.

When you get a little closer to your due date, your doulas will get in touch to set up your two prenatal visits. These visits are scheduled around 32 and 36 weeks, and you’ll have one with each of your personal doulas! Prenatal visits are about 1.5-2 hours long and are used to cover everything that you’re likely to experience during your labour, birth, and postpartum period.
We’ll go over the birth process from start to finish, and along the way we’ll discover your preferences, answer your questions, and talk about any fears or anxieties you have. We’ll talk about what your ideal birth experience looks like- and what we can do if that needs to change along the way. And we’ll help you make an awesome postpartum plan so that your entire family can feel rested, supported, and confident.
These visits are also a great opportunity for your doulas to understand what support looks and feels like for you, and how they can help you have the best birth experience possible. By the end of these visits, our clients always tell us how much better prepared they feel for birth!

When the big day comes, your doulas will be there for you and your partner every step of the way. From the questions and worries of early labour, to coaching you through contractions and position changes, to helping you decide when to go to the hopsital, to showing your partner how to do the perfect double hip squeeze- your doula won’t leave your side until your baby is in your arms.
While the rest of your care team is focused on your health and medical needs, your doula’s priority is to care for your physical needs and emotional health. Their job is to support you and your partner, provide up-to-date resources and information, perform non-medical comfort measures during labour, and help you feel calm, comforted, and in control of your birth. And even if everything changes at the last minute, your doula stays cool and calm to help you feel at ease. At the end of the day, our only goal is for you to feel great about your experience- no matter what that looks like.
You don’t know exactly when your baby will arrive. You may not know which doctor or midwife will help you deliver your baby. You probably don’t know which nurse will be with you in the hospital. But you’ll know your doula. And they’ll know you.

After your baby is born, your doulas will continue to be there for you, providing you with gentle and compassionate guidance, answers, and support as you adjust to new parenthood. Your doulas will come to your home to help you figure out baby care, breastfeeding, your recovery, family adjustments, and everything else that happens during the early weeks. We’ll help you implement the postpartum plan we made during pregnancy, figure out what’s working, and help you thrive- instead of just survive.
And if your family wants a little more guidance, we’ve also got newborn care specialists, postpartum doulas, lactation counsellors, and sleep specialists to make your baby’s first year the best it can be.
Ready to feel informed, prepared, and in control? Let’s get together.
Get in touch with us today to learn how adding an experienced, certified, and knowledgable doula from Harbour City Doulas can help you know what to expect and be the familiar face you need when the big day comes. You deserve to feel confident, prepared, and capable. And #wesupportthat.